Wandering Down These Winding Roads
Wandering down these winding roads
of spring, flowers and nodes
Scrolling hills as far as the eye can see
Winds gently blowing....by and thru me.
with arms extended, hands opened wide,
A shadow and a reflexion are by my side
The river that flows across the land
beside me, holding my hand.
A calming and cleansing feeling it be
Waiting to find that Mighty Oak Tree.
the Earths womb the Tree bore fruits
The leaves that adorned it created it's suit.
Beneath the tree, sitting silent
and still
Beats the heart of a man who breaks my will.
As I draw near, our eyes, they meet
And a story there is told
He stands as he looks over my way
Gesturing with hands, come hither and stay.
I glided over, our eyes
never parted
We sat down together, and that's how it started.
Copyright ©2003 Heather Callaway
Forever Love
To Seosamh, me widdle toitle dove. Love you
loads always
Love and light to my soul you bring
my heart, making it sing
This song from my heart melodic and real
Sings to yours so that you may feel.
My heart
and soul are no longer my own
My heart beats for one and begs you come
My love is my life, and my life is you
flames of desire, within, burning true.
Your love caresses and touches my soul
Taking it to heights never before
Your force and your essence are breathed into me
Experiencing pleasures, my passions' set free.
Night skies,
the moon, the stars, supposed bliss
But what I yearn for most is simple, your kiss
With lips sweeter than honey, soft
as the dew
Eternal love springs forth from me and into you.
Never shall our love part, go separate ways
For this
I vow, I'll love you till the end of days
There is no love greater, more devine, or true
Than this love I shall have
forever in you.
Copyright ©2003 Heather Callaway
As Sure As The Sun Rises
As sure as the sun rises and as sure as the
sun sets
This love that I've been given is as good as it gets.
This light holds my hand and shows me a new way
me hope, love, peace, and joy each day.
The hope that dawns brings with it a new and sweet life
Free from all the
worries, troubles, and everyday strife.
Love has beckoned my heart, desimating this stone wall
Allowing your perfect
love in, catching my every fall.
My heart is surrounded by peace, that only you could give
Putting my mind at ease,
making me safe so that I may live.
Joy is in abundance, putting a smile in my heart and on my face
Happiness is now
real, taking me to that 'special' place.
From the moment I met you, I knew that you were the perfect one
You never
tried to win my heart, but in mine, it was already done.
You have enveloped my soul, touching it deep at it's very core
all that your amazing love has given me, who could ask for more?
Copyright ©2003 Heather Callaway
Take Me Far Away
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
This world we know is so full of hate
heart's been broken and now it's too late
The shattered mirrors cast reflections of our fate
There are good and there
are bad, so where do we rate?
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
This world is drowning and it cannot breathe
ask for love, then fervently ask it to leave
Tis the darkest of thoughts to which we cleave
Do we not wear our hearts'
upon our sleeve?
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
Undulating clouds circle my head, black as my
Taking all hope, casting it within this cavernous hole
My peace and joy, happiness and love you stole
these indiscretions have taken their toll.
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
My hearts been ripped apart, torn in two, forever
The doubts and fears of a restful life are always breeding
Contempt and hatred towards the populace, exceeding
love once felt for them, that they were always needing.
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
With all hope lost in this bottomless sea, I've
let me down
As well as those that can see the pain and the suffering all around
Wishing to lay myself, fettered and
torn, wrapped in a gown
Into a shallow grave, one made for me, in my own tears I'll drown.
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
How can I see myself through all this pain?
taken my mind and only for your gain
Why can I not reach inside, find strength not to go through it again?
Tears have
flowed from my eyes, rivers of blood I rain.
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
All this hell you put me through, I just have
to sit and wonder
Was my love ever enough to heal your heart? You only called down the thunder
You see only with your
mortal eyes, now our lives have been torn asunder
Now it's time for us to part, forgetting this, dead above the ears, blunder.
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
Even though our lives have severed and no longer
see you here
I've entered into this new life, seen the best and the worst without fear
Now it is a new voice, that comes
from within, one thought lost, now I hear
Eyes reflecting from within, it is my very soul to which I sit and peer.
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
Love has reached into this soul, caressing her
and leaving her aching
Wanting more and more, reaching back softening this heart without it breaking
The inside cries
out for for a love that binds, perfection in the making
Holding each other through all the many storms, I'm here for the
Take me far away to a land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems
Your love has blown into me, filled me, and
made me your very own
No longer will this heart be hardened, as if made of a diamond's stone
My spirit soaring high
above the clouds, through you this spirit's grown
Always I'm an open book for you, flipping the pages, everything known.
Taking me far away to that land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems.
The colours of this life, more vibrant and true,
a great gift it be
You and me melded, encompassing one another as two segments of a tree
A union with roots going deep,
solidifying each other so never to flee
Branches extended, reaching the heavens, yet always overlooking the sea.
Taking me far away to that land of dreams
everything we know is not as it seems.
We've been called upon by the winds of change
with all of it's allure
To spread this song of hope, faith, joy, and happiness to endure
For all the rest of time that
people could love, revealing the obscure
Making seen that there is devotion true and grand, making all secure.
You've taken me to this far away land of dreams
all that we see is exactly as it should be, just as it seems.
Copyright ©2003 Heather Callaway
Ne'er To Part
Love has reached with an outstretched
Grasping my heart by both sides, holding me fast
Pulling those strings, melting my heart
Knowing there is no
love greater in all the land.
Time and time again you've carried me on angels
This love you have so true, always there for me and I for you
Spending hours and hours talking from one soul to
Your voice, entrancing me, I know this be how an angel sings.
Now that I've heard you and seen you in this
Felt your love run through me, feeling your every breath
Your heart beating next to mine, in unison we meld
all the worries and thoughts of everyday strife.
Our love, it never waivers, filling us and making
us whole
Bringing with it a new life, one filled with peace and joy
Placing ourselves face to face, vetting each other's
Becoming one forever, we feast on each other's soul.
Consecrating each other, our souls forever united
soon shall our love ever part, go separate ways
Empty and void my life has been till the day we met
All the darkness
within, through love has been lighted.
I'll take your hand within mine, hold it close
to my heart
Pledging to you that I'll love you for the rest of our lives
I'll never hurt you nor bring you pain, as
long as I beathe
You'll forever caress this soul, one united, ne'er to part.
Copyright ©2003 Heather Callaway
A Union of Hearts
The coldest of winters, the darkest of days
within these walls, curled in a ball
The corner I've found has become my home
Cowardly quivering, it is my soul that
Searching for the light, where there is none
to see that which cannot be seen
Begging for a window, a door, or even a crack
This pain keeps me locked away, it is
Any hopes I've had, I have absolutely no more
away at the stone wall built all around
I see there is no end, the walls too thick and strong
Leaning back, spent, not
knowing what's in store.
The faint sounds of rapping are upon this fort
echoes within the walls, is anyone there?
Please let not this be false hope pay'd a visit
All this pain, the storms,
forever seeking a port.
The sounds of knocking have grown louder
starts to rise as the stones begin to crumble
Is this a monster or the port in which I seek?
For the stones this walls
built, turning to powder.
I could not do this alone, the walls falling
The first rays of light begin to seep through
A joy is filling my heart, someone can see me
Could it be the
bearer of the key to my heart?
This light, I reach forward, grasp with both
Warmth, freshness, my body uncurling, standing
Moving into this new light, bearing gifts of love
It circles
around me, forming rings, perfect bands.
Standing in this reverie, where once hope was
Arms of another caressed and softned this heart
Bringing me out of winter and into the spring of my life
the last remnants of the surrounding frost.
A doorway has been opened from outside my soul
on how to move from inside these walls
To the outside where my playground awaits
Need be learnt for this fraction to
become whole.
My port has come, and knowledge to me he doth
Taking my hand and leading me away from this desolation
Through the door that true love hath made, two become
Souls bared, unblemished love, this be a union of hearts.
Copyright ©2004 Heather Callaway
Even when things seem their darkest and we hide
from all that we know,
We can tie a ribbon around our hearts decorating it as if it were a bow;
But even when it's bound,
it can't always be free to do what we want,
Sometimes life can be nothing more than an emotional taunt.
We try to move
past the hurt and the betrayal, seeing only good to come,
This is nothing more than a joke, as the truth can only be seen
by some.
For those that know, the pain is real and sometimes kills the heart,
Turning it to stone so that they don't
feel they're being torn apart;
Once the heart turns to stone, then all you care about will be gone,
You'll no longer
appreciate even the sunrise seen at dawn.
Where once you stood, big hearted and soft as the petals of a rose,
Now will
be someone as hard as a diamond, dealing out his blows.
Lao Tzu once said the softest will overtake the hardest things;
love for you is softer than all things, peace to your heart it brings,
If you could but see how much my love could do for
you at this time,
Instead of sinking into that cavernous hole, it's a mountain you'd begin to climb.
No one could know
of the pain you're feeling, the guilt is ever there,
I turn to God, asking him to ease your pain, is nothing but a wee
God does hear and often answers, even if you don't like what you hear,
When you are feeling he's at his furthest
from you, that's when he's near.
Continue to open your heart to me, there's a promise that I will make,
I'll keep it
soft and protected til my last days, so that it may never break;
I know I can't be there in the most physical of ways right
But I'll love you forever and support you always ... this is my vow.
We have not yet been wed, but in my heart
it has already been done,
I will not ever leave your side, we'll walk together into that setting sun.
Hand in hand for
all of eternity, you'll never have to feel alone,
Love will heal, and so I give you all the love I have to be shown.
this love will carry you through the best and the worst,
Nothing before us and nothing behind us, each other's first,
love ever growing, like the swelling of that inner tide,
Like a wave overflowing as if the angels themselves cried.
joyous occassion, the eternally blessed union of our hearts,
I'll be your bride and that's where our life truly starts.
the pains and sorrow that are now, will only be yesterday,
True love will win at the end of the day and our hearts will
never stray;
Though our hearts are troubled and the day seems to be night,
Our love will bring us together, walking
always together in the light.
Copyright ©2005 Heather Callaway